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On our journal: A detailed shoe care guide

On our journal: Wooden shoe trees are essential

Polishing shoes part 1

Polishing shoes part 2 - hi-shine

Our JournalLook Who's Wearing HerringSocial

On our journal: How to wear tan shoes and boots

On our journal: The ultimate
guide to pairing socks and shoes

On our journal: Give your shoes and boots some love this Valentine’s Day

On our journal: Jerry Tharapos – businessman with flamboyant flair

On our journal: Milo McCabe – TV presenter, actor and stand-up comedian

On our journal: Rebecca Hooker – dance school owner and warrior against bullying

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Our Price Promise

Price Match Promise

Herring shoes have always offered the best value for money. Our products, combined with premium shipping as standard and excellent customer focussed service make us unbeatable.

Sometimes, however, there are occasions when you will find a shoe available at another retailer at a discounted price. Subject to the conditions below we are happy to price match any such offer. Just call us on +44 01548 854886 or email us with the details of the product you want us to match.

Terms and conditions

  • Our price match only applies to full price goods - no sale, second or clearance items can be price matched.
  • We will only price match goods on a like for like basis. The list of criteria includes, but is not limited to: colour, size, style, availability, shipping costs and taxes.
  • In cases where we offer an item at a fully landed price, such as in the EU, then price matching will be based on our good faith calculation of the equivalent price if the same conditions were applied to it.
  • We will not combine a price match with any other offer, for example, free trees.
  • We may need to have proof from you if the goods are only at a discount by being a "club member" and are not visible to our customer service team.
  • Any price match is at our discretion and this price promise in no way obliges us to match any other offer, although we would always aim to match any reasonable request.
  • We will not price match against goods offered on auction sites such as ebay, charity shops or websites, sale by private individuals, or where we believe the website or outlet is not offering goods for sale in good faith.
  • We cannot price match against items in a country we are not allowed to sell to due to a supplier agreement or other policy.
  • Please note that due to supplier agreement, we can no longer price match Church brand products.

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Herring Shoes Herring Shoes Ltd, Unit 6, Old Station Yard, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1ES, UNITED KINGDOM +441548854886 is rated Star Star Star Star Star 4.9 out of 5 from 9184 reviews from Google Customer Reviews
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