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About Herring Shoes

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Our Business

herring shoes warehouse in Kingsbridge Devon

Herring Shoes is an English family business which was started in 1966 by Richard Herring.

Our purpose is to supply top quality shoes from English manufacturers such as Barker, Church's, Cheaney and Loake with service to match through our website.

We retail our Herring brand of footwear which is tailored to today’s needs with fantastic styles and top quality, created from years of inside knowledge of the English handcrafted shoe trade.

Our aim is to help everyone to understand how important good shoes are in life.

Need to contact us? See our contact page.

Our history

Over the years Herring Shoes have built close relationships with many of the Northampton manufacturers working directly with Mr Andrew Loake, William Barker and Jonathan and William Church.

The son of the founder of Herring Shoes, Adrian Herring worked in the Barker factory for a period to learn in detail the construction and craft of English handmade shoes.

Through these contacts we launched our own range of footwear made for us by Northamptonshire factories including Barker, Cheaney, Loake, Trickers and Alfred Sargent. Alongside other specialist factories around the world we use the best manufacturer for each style of shoe we create and pass the benefit of our knowledge and experience on to the customer.

Our Products

The Herring range is made to the exact needs of our customers and by working direct with the factories we have the opportunity to create our own individual designs and styles which set us and our customers apart from the crowd. Our main drive is to offer outstanding quality and service by using our direct connections with the factories.

Herring Shoes Limited

Registered Company Number: 3919412
Registered Office/Trading address: Herring Shoes, Old Station Yard, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1ES, England
Directors: Jason Simmonds, Stuart Paver, Jason Paver
UK Vat Number: 742 4261 50


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